Mary Moshure » About Me

About Me

I am proud to have the privilege of providing speech and language services to the students of Baileyton Elementary for the 2023-2024 school year!
  I am a Knoxville native returning to Tennessee after living in Florida for a number of years. I earned my B.A. and M.A. at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and have been a Speech-Language Pathologist for 30 years. 
  Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) are experts in communication and swallowing problems and can work with all ages. Within the school setting, SLPs work with students who have difficulty in the following areas:
- Speech Sounds 
- Receptive Language: understanding what we hear and read
- Expressive Language: how we use words to communicate our thoughts and feelings
- Literacy
- Social Communication: including following rules, taking turns, and knowing how to appropriately communicate with different people in different settings
- Voice
- Fluency: also called stuttering, or how well speech flows
- Executive Function: which includes memory, attention, problem solving, organization, and other thinking skills
- Feeding and Swallowing: addressed in the clinical setting
If you have questions about your child's speech and/or language skills, contact me or the classroom teacher for more information.